Category Archives: Mediterranean Logs


    With the prevailing northwesterlies forecast to continue for a few days and Moonshadow back in sailing trim, we planned to set sail for Malta on 23 June.The last job prior to departure was to “mow the lawn” or … Continue reading

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Back on Board in Monastir

    After a month in the United States and forty hours of travel time from San Francisco, we finally arrived back on board Moonshadow.Other than a coating of dust and rust, she was in pretty good shape thanks to … Continue reading

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We rose before sunrise and left the anchorage at Malfitano on the southern tip of the island of Sardinia at 0630 on a clear, calm morning.We set a southerly course towards the continent of Africa and within 20 minutes a … Continue reading

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The Italian island of Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and actually lies closer to the African continent than to its own mainland.The Sardinians actually speak of Italy as if it is another country, not their … Continue reading

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The South of France and Corsica

The town of Villefranche Heading west from the Riviera of Italy, we had intended to stop in Monaco for a few days to see how the other tenth of 1% live.A wicked swell was rolling in from the south to … Continue reading

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The Tuscan Islands and Ligurian Coast of Italy

A view out over Byron’s Grotto and up the Ligurian Coast. The mainland coast of Italy lying along the northern part of the Tyrhennian Sea offers the cruising sailor almost no real protected anchorages.  Anyone wishing to visit Rome must … Continue reading

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The Tyrrhenian Sea and Amalfi Coast

The south coast of Italy between Salerno and Reggio Calabria offers some great cruising for visiting yachts.  Most local boats skip this area when heading between the Aeolian Islands or Sicily and Naples.  The noticeable lack of tourism in the … Continue reading

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Sicily and the Aeolian Islands

We arrived at the Grand Harbor in the city of Siracusa (Syracuse) at about 1930 hours.  The setting cast a lovely glow on the handsome buildings in the old town.  The Grand Harbour quay was undergoing renovations, so we anchored … Continue reading

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Brindisi and the Boot of Italy

Fourteen hours after departing the charming village of Cavtat on the southern coast of Croatia, we arrived in Brindisi, Italy, 118 miles to the south on the opposite coast of the Adriatic Sea.  The seas were flat calm all of … Continue reading

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Cruising the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia

With more than 1100 ruggedly beautiful islands strung along its shoreline, Croatia’s 1100 mile Dalmatian Coast has become one of the most popular cruising destinations in the world.  We left Moonshadow in the ACI Dubrovnik Marina over the winter with … Continue reading

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